Einstein & Me


“You spend too much time on getting your head shaved every week and getting your beard trimmed . You are getting distracted. Not working hard enough!”, preached Einstein as I stood in the cosy, white tiled, steam filled bathroom waxing & combing my beard. “Look at me”, he continued, “Look at my hair, I never get them trimmed! I never have time for that, I prefer spending my time on science and society. I save as much time as I can to utilise that extra second formulating and solving the mysteries of nature”, said he, trying to be a motivational guru. He was expecting an affirmatory response. I didn’t think so. I countered his claims,” surely you never spend time trimming your hair! But you sure as hell spend a lot of time shaving & trimming that moustache in a desperate bid to woo Ms. Monroe.” His stare tried to refute the claim silently for a moment. He restlessly moved around for a while. I turned around to leave the frosted mirror alone, gently patting my beard, our shoulders brushed against each other’s as Mr. Einstein entered the bathroom to trim his moustache. He was meeting her in an hour.

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